EMC Senior Center

21679 McCleskey Rd. New Caney, TX 77357

 Serving Montgomery County Seniors age 60 and up.

Contact & Hours

   Call 281-577-8911

  • Open Monday- Thursday:  8:00AM – 3:00PM 
  • Open Friday: 8:00AM – 12:00PM 

Lunch & Bingo

  • Lunch at 11:30AM
  • BINGO- Tuesdays & Thursdays at 12:00PM
Senior Center Activities

The East Montgomery County Senior Center is housed in a Montgomery County-owned facility and staffed by friendly county employees. ALL local senior citizens, age 60 and older are welcome to join us daily for meals through our partnership with Montgomery County Meals on Wheels.

In addition to our meal programs, we are happy to offer other activities such as mobility and fitness classes, gardening classes, nutritional cooking classes, crafts, and computer access.

Please join us every Tuesday and Thursday to play bingo and win prizes that include various household items/supplies and non-perishable foods to take home to help stock your pantry.

Further occasional activities include monthly birthday recognition, holiday celebrations, quarterly field trips to other area community centers and local attractions, and many other annual gatherings.

Feb 14th Dance

Rules and Information

Lunch Eligibility: must be age 60+ and Montgomery County resident.

Meals provided by Montgomery County Meals On Wheels



Participant Rules of Conduct

In order to provide a comfortable and welcoming center for all of our participants, we ask that senior center participants adhere to the following rules of conduct:

  1. Center participants will demonstrate good personal hygiene.
  2. Participants will demonstrate polite behavior to all other participants, staff, volunteers, visitors, and speakers.
  3. Foul language or profanity will not be tolerated.
  4. Aggressive or physically abusive behavior will not be tolerated.
  5. Alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs will not be used in the building or on the grounds.
  6. Firearms or weapons will not be brought onto property.
  7. The property of the center, of participants, and of visitors will not be abused, misused or stolen.
  8. Participants will adhere to MOWMC agency policies and procedures.

Corrective actions that will be taken for violations of the standards of conduct may include one or more of the following:


The activity coordinator will give a warning to a participant who has violated program rules or agency policy.


If a participant ignores warnings, the activity coordinator may recommend suspension for a single or repeat occurrence of offenses. The activity coordinator may also recommend suspension for matters that are considered a more serious violation of consumer misconduct.


If a participant fails to respond appropriately to corrective actions, The Senior Center may be forced to terminate that participant from the program.


Commissioner Matt Gray- Montgomery County Precinct 4

EMC Senior Center

21679 McCleskey Road
New Caney, TX 77357


Please note that the Senior Center is no longer available as a rental facility.